An essay on why the internet is good and bad When the World Wide Web was created in , it led the world provided with access to information technology that is unlimited emerging between telecommunications and computers (Kashyap, , p. ). Ever since the Internet primarily became the communication method for most organizations. In early social media networking emerged The World Wide Web. The World Wide Web To anyone born in the 90s or later, the World Wide Web (WWW or Web) has been a part of their life forever. They could not imagine a world without it; although, only a year before the 90s started, did the WWW come into existence. People had been living without the use of the WWW since before , and everyone born after has grown up with the use of the World Wide Web. Words: (28 pages) Me the athens affair On 9 March , smart hackers a year-old Greek pulled off the most electrical engineer audacious cell-network named costas Tsalikidis was found hanged in his break-in ever athens loft apartment, By Vassilis Prevelakis an apparent blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins
Education in the World Wide Web Age - Words | Essay Example
The role of the education is significant for the progress of the mankind. The reliability of this assertion props up against the practical examples. The thing is that most of people believe at their initial stage of life, in their young ages, that simply working will make the result of happiness and prosperity. However, looking at the reality of life one can admit that the hardships of it can be undergone only due to enough knowledge base and experience as well.
Thus, theoretical and practical knowledge can be obtained in specific places serving for the purpose of cultivation of the mankind experience and contemporary level of progress being appropriate for the time. Educational establishments are destined to fulfill this idea in reality. Actually the paper is dedicated toward the discussion of the place of education for an individual in this complex world.
The ratio between education and prosperity as well as success is straightforward due to the possession of optimal volumes of knowledge for solving particular tasks. First of all, it is necessary to note that individuals can be compared to plants in terms of their growing process and sustainability of it.
If there is no nutrition, then physical body aggravates, like a flower without water. This simple example shows that in the issue of world wide web essay and further success there should be no fallacies. This assertion is fair enough when checking the world statistics regarding to the inventions and positions of various individuals in their personal lives. Continuing this idea it is vital to state that the world is controlled by clever and experienced people on the whole. In this respect one should not understand this statement in world wide web essay of just bits of information collected throughout life.
On the contrary, it means that people should world wide web essay for their place under the sun and be quick in implementation of proper methods for faster movement toward the goals.
The observation by Michael Pollan touches directly on the rural issues world wide web essay the America. Thus, the assumption that brain drain is caused in this sphere of economical dimension due to the lack of awareness of the real amenities of educational growth in life also relates to the idea of the importance of education cultivation Pollan Hence, for the sustainable and competitive nation there should be base for gaining suchlike education as well.
This suggestion leads to the further improvements not only in the rural America but also in its world wide web essay internal and external development. Biases and personal disappointment are major obstacles for right decision making. In this respect the research of the author intends a reader to follow the hints on knowledge as the main value for gaining success, world wide web essay.
One may suppose that for rural activities there is no need in huge educational background. However, life is not an easy thing and a man can be evaluated in it through the ability to adequately react on the challenges which it gives for a man.
everything that is mine is with mewhich meant the request on why he did not take anything with himself. In fact, it is the demonstration of the highest dimensions of wisdom perceived in a man. Education is the background for perspective steps in life, world wide web essay.
It leads toward the sphere of yet unknown features and opportunities. However, as it was mentioned before, world wide web essay education is not enough. Its implementation and implication in the real life and while working with people is the idea fix for prosperous and sustained life.
In the body of education one should be apt to designate those elements which are more appropriate for life and profession, in particular. This aspect of the discussion is colored with thoughtful implication of talents and skills for the result, as it is. In other words, world wide web essay, educated people should urge for the reasoning of this or that element in education used directly in current life or helpful for orientation in the contemporary reality.
In this case an individual should have an idea not only of moral but of social education Beck As far as it may be seen, one of the most significant and influential aims of the education is to make people humane, first of all, with all attributes of a civilized and competent person.
This paramount ideal of education makes people understand their place among higher layer of the society, world wide web essay, meaning educated and intellectually-developed one. One more aspect of the education which reflects the benefits of life is the ability to communicate and build up speech appropriately.
This advantageous feature also divides people into higher and lower groups of the society. However, just talking makes no favor.
On the contrary, the constructive discussion with ability of an individual to build arguments is of great significance for the developed countries. Furthermore, the process of education I the process of gaining experience while supporting or opposing some theme of the discussion or of life significance. The humanity is developing today with huge tempos.
Figuratively speaking, nowadays every person, who was not decisive in educating, can just lag behind the most progressive people. This assumption is fair owing to the facts that the competition in the world increases day world wide web essay day and leaves no possibility for additional reasoning. Describing farming in terms of planting, breeding, hunting and picking up Michael Pollan unintentionally makes readers think of their capacities for personal survival. His evaluation of the sustainable agriculture in a tripartite nature falls into three parts related straightforwardly to intensive process, namely: thought, knowledge, and education Pollan This rational approach once more shows the importance of studying during the whole life.
Nonetheless, the conceptual and vital significance of education for driving the progress toward new achievements of the mankind touches upon every conscientious person.
The way people value themselves in talents and capabilities and in the feeling of self-esteem, the more possibilities they have for personal success. What is more, the knowledge base is not limited, as the memory has no limits.
This is why education is not for lazy people. It is an attribute of the adulthood. It is so due to the fact that the majority of people differ in their one-sided direction in the chosen profession. Only some persons represent examples of more than one professions being mastered. Thus, it is vital to ask oneself of what occupation it is better to choose in order to feel happy and delighted in life.
To sum up, the role of education is hard to exaggerate. This process is hard, but effective for mature and apt persons due to the real necessity of education in contemporary world.
The idea of the paper is disclosed in terms of the rationality of the theme and its approach toward the vital spheres of life. Moreover, during the discussion almost all elements of education were included.
Moreover, the effects of world wide web essay background are felt in their practical implementation. In this respect increases the experience base of an individual. All in all, the complex structure of thought, knowledge, education, and experience provide the stimuli for giving education the prior role, world wide web essay. Notwithstanding, the reliability of the educational approach is seen in the short or long perspective owing to the aptness of a person to promote originality of thought and prehension in working with people.
Beck, John. Morality and citizenship in education. New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, Pollan, world wide web essay, Michael.
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World Wide Web. Words: (28 pages) Me the athens affair On 9 March , smart hackers a year-old Greek pulled off the most electrical engineer audacious cell-network named costas Tsalikidis was found hanged in his break-in ever athens loft apartment, By Vassilis Prevelakis an apparent blogger.comted Reading Time: 2 mins Essay On World Wide Web Words | 6 Pages. coordinating mechanism is required. For this paper a deeper analysis on the World Wide Web which is a network application is done. World Wide Web The innovators of the World Wide Web initially envisioned it as a global hyperlinked information system Utopian ideals of the Web began to emerge in the inception of the Internet and World Wide Web. Individuals who thought quite optimistically of the Internet’s development saw its spread as a positive evolution of not only technology but also society. They see the internet as being limitless and uncontrolled, changing commerce and society
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