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With this it is important to know that everyone goes through different challenges which aids them in different ways.
All these lessons are handed down to daughters and sons so they too can learn from those lessons. Barbara Jordan a woman who held her ground is a lady many can learn from. The basketball world mourns the passing of a legend this week. I could reprint the same quotes most other news sources have, but instead, I'd like to share who Pat Summitt was to me. As a girl that grew up as a tomboy, most of my heroes were male, including Superman, the Hulk, Luke Skywalker, Don Mattingly of the Yankees, and I modelled my basketball moves after Charles Barkley, but there was one amazing lady that topped them all.
You might not know the day of August 26, Biography. com it was a day that changed history forever. Despite racism and segregation, Katherine Johnson was the first African American woman to assist the apollo team at NASA, essay mother theresa.
Johnson overcame obstacles through her life for her to get to such a place. She was a monumental piece of history. To fully understand what she accomplished one must know about her early life, rise to fame, and her greatest legacy. If I had the opportunity to share a meal with any figure from American history, I would choose Dr. Mary Edwards Walker, essay mother theresa, the only female recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor and one of the first feminists and dress reformists.
One of the reasons I admire Dr. Walker is her ability to fight through prejudice. Walker lived and worked during the Civil War. She was denied a place as a doctor for the army because of her gender. After three years of volunteer work, she was given a position as a civilian contract surgeon for the Union. Zélie and Theresa both represented freedom by not accepting the rules of life, and also illustrating what courage is. They achieved this in two different manners, but both women symbolize who women are.
Marjorie Stewart Joyner was born in Monterey, Virginia. She was born on October 24,and was the granddaughter of a slave and slave owner.
After attending primary school, Marjorie moved to Chicago, Illinois to pursue a career in cosmetology. She attended the A. Molar Beauty School and she later became the first African-American woman to graduate from the school. At the age of 20, essay mother theresa, she met and married Robert E. Lucy Burn was a strong essay mother theresa woman that stood up for what she essay mother theresa in. She was born in brooklyn on july 28 Source 1 She was the kind of woman that did thing that she knew were wrong but for the right reasons.
Did you ever know that something's wrong. Clara Barton Throughout the course of human history, nothing we do has ever had as rapid and drastic an effect on history as war, essay mother theresa. Disasters essay mother theresa be near second place, and coincidentally Clara Barton affected both. Out of a multitude of achievements things, she was a nurse during the Civil War, did many things women of her day could not, essay mother theresa, and started the American Red Cross.
Clara Barton was revolutionary for her influence on society and medicine in American history. How many of you have family that has worked in the armed forces? Or how many people have friends that live in third world or poor countries? On December 25,a tiny Christmas baby, who would become one of the greatest civil war heroines ever, was born into a loving middle class family. Clara Barton had four older siblings that adored her and taught her many life skills that would be crucial for her later career.
School was very boring to her because she liked to care for others rather than learn about the world. Lupe faced a lot of obstacles throughout her childhood and as an adult. One would definitely be taking care of her grandfather as a young child. As a child she was a drop out. The schools told her she was retarded and just could not learn. When she got older she was a full time mom to 3 children.
Without her, women would not have an education, a right to vote, or rights in general. At a very young age, Susan B. Anthony started developing a strong sense of morals, and what they should be, but mostly, what they should not be.
She and her family moved to Battenville, New York for the sake of her father receiving a better job opportunity. Her parents had come to America from Germany to escape religious persecution and Marlene and her siblings became the first generation of her family to be born here in the United States, essay mother theresa. She was the sister of 8 other siblings and the house they lived in had no indoor plumbing until the late 20th century.
She was raised to be a housewife, but she definitely did not grow up to be only essay mother theresa wife and mother. Marlene put her family first, but she also had a career and was very active in the community. Lucille Ball is an admirable woman for contributing to the world numerous times. Born on August 6, essay mother theresa,in Jamestown, New York.
Lucille Ball got her start as a singer, model and film star before becoming one of America's top comedic actresses. With the s TV show I Love Lucy, she became a hit.
When she was 15 she convinced her mother to allow her to enroll in a New York City drama school. Personal Background A Birth Date and Location: Lillian Wald was born on March 10, in Cincinnati, Ohio B Early Life Information: Lillian Wald was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. She was born and raised in a German-Jewish middle class family. For six years Wald traveled around the globe where she worked as a essay mother theresa reporter.
When she was in her early twenties, her family moved to Rochester, essay mother theresa, New York. IPL Barbara Jordan Research Paper. Barbara Jordan Research Paper Words 3 Pages. Barbara was born on February 21, Barabra was a critized by her parents by not speaking correct English, essay mother theresa.
They urged her to become a music director or a teacher, because they said that was only good for a black women at the time. Her essay mother theresa did become a music teacher.
Barbara Jordan, who is an expert in medicine, however, explained later that she thought about essay mother theresa pharmacist, a scientist. Barbara Jordan remains a remarkable inspiration to America and the world. She left a vision of America as a nation that stands for children, for justice and for freedom. The nation began to come together as one. Barbara Jordan was never legally married. Barbara Jordan had three kids Charminique, Johnny, Sussy.
Barbara Charline Jordan was born in Houston, Texas, on February 21,essay mother theresa, one of essay mother theresa daughters of Benjamin M. Jordan and Arlyne Patten Jordan. She allowed many to relate to her and understand her. She mostly became important to history by the way she would move the crowd with the way she would put her words together.
Barbara was extremely remarkable for her standout. Barbara Jordan was actually very important for making speech before the house inshe made a speech over in the house of judiciary. These speeches help people have hope that one day everything would be ok. Barbara Jordan was not only and outspoken person but, she was also influential with her words. Barbara left one mark on earth and that was never to give up, essay mother theresa.
In my opinion Barbara was a motivating, spiritual. Show More. Read More. Pat Summitt Biography Essay Words 3 Pages The basketball world mourns the passing of a legend this week. Katherine Johnson Legacy Words 4 Pages You might not know the day of August 26, Biography. Walker Essay mother theresa Essay Words 2 Pages If I had the opportunity to share a meal with any figure from American history, I would choose Dr.
Marjorie Stewart Joyner Research Paper Words 2 Pages Marjorie Stewart Joyner was born in Monterey, Virginia. Lucy Burns Research Paper Words 3 Pages Lucy Burn was a strong dedicated woman that stood up for what she believed in. Clara Barton's Impact On Essay mother theresa History Words 3 Pages Clara Barton Throughout the course of human history, nothing we do has ever had as rapid and drastic an effect on history as war. Clara Barton A Hero Words 4 Pages How many of you have family that has worked in the armed forces?
Obstacles In Lupe's Life Words 2 Pages Lupe faced a lot of obstacles throughout her childhood and as an adult. Susan B. How Did Lucille Ball Contribute To The World Words 3 Pages Lucille Ball is an admirable woman for contributing to the world numerous times. Lillian Wald Research Paper Words 4 Pages I. Open Document.
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