Saturday, November 27, 2021

Rice phd thesis

Rice phd thesis

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SRI International Network and Resources Center. Home About Us Projects SRI News Events Latest Additions Contact Us. PhD Dissertations and Master's Theses by year See the Zotero Thesis Collection for a full listing Kavishe, rice phd thesis, Rosemary. Assessing adoption and water productivity of the system of rice-intensification under farmer-led irrigation system in northern Tanzania.

MSc Thesis. The Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology NM-AIST Tanzania. Ouma, Marilda Auma. Assessing the uptake of System of Rice Intensification rice phd thesis. PhD disseration, Egerton University Kenya. Seasonal incidence, effect of different cultivation methods and botanicals on major pests infesting rice, Orzya sativa L. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli. Rice phd thesis, Erdjani. Etude du comportement de quatre 4 variétés de riz Oryza sativa L.

face aux attaques des maladies foliaires et de la pourriture des gaines en Système de Riziculture Intensif SRI et en Système de Riziculture Traditionnel SRT à Bocozelle 5ème section communale de Saint-Marc.

Diplôme Ingénieur-Agronome thesis, rice phd thesis. Université Quisqueya Haiti. Kalita, Rekhashree, rice phd thesis. Resource use efficiency in winter rice Oryza sativa L. under SRI concept as influenced by microclimate. Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat. Assam, India Konwar, Milon Jyoti. Real time nitrogen application in winter rice under different crop establishment techniques. PhD dissertation, Assam Agricultural University. Mhango, rice phd thesis, Solomon Simon.

Implications of socio-economic factors on adoption of paddy production innovations in Mvomero district, Tanzania. PhD dissertation. Sokoine University of Agriculture Tanzania. Nathanael, Hasianta Sinaga. Pengaruh rice phd thesis jerami terhadap pertumbuhan gulma dan hasil budidaya padi Oryza sativa L. metode SRI System of Rice Intensification dalam legowo Diploma thesis. Universitas Analas Padang, Indonesia. Pratama, Apriliando.

Respon pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman padi Oryza sativa L. beras hitam terhadap perberian cuka kayu dan pupuk bokashi dengan metode SRI System of Rice Intensification. S-1 thesis, Tridinanti Palembang University, Indonesia Ramesh, Kumbhar Chaitanya. Population dynamics and management of insect pests of rice and their natural enemies in different rice cultivation systems in Bihar.

PhD dissertation, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University. Bihar, India Chandrashekhar. Crop weather relationships in rice Oryza sativa L. under different methods of establishment. Dattatraya, Vibhute Sagar. Modelling crop water productivity of rice under different cultivation methods. PhD disseration, Division of Agricultural Engineering Indian Agricultural Research Insitute - New Delhi Ndabila, Amos.

Adoption of system of rice intensification and impact on yield in Mbarali District In Mbeya, Tanzania. MSc thesis, rice phd thesis. Sokoine University Morogoro, Tanzania. Guzmán, rice phd thesis, Miguel, and Jimmy R. Serrata Núñez. Evaluación de dos sistemas de producción: Sistema Intensivo del Cultivo de Arroz Oryza sativa L.

y Convencional en Ranchito, La Vega. Ingeniero Agrónomo Agricultural Engineer thesis. Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo UASD Dominican Republic. Hassan, Izzudin. Inventarisasi hama pada beberapa varietas unggul padi di lahan dengan pengairan SRI System of Rice Intensification dan Konvensional. Thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Production potential and spatio-temporal variation in Greenhouse Gas GHG emission from different paddy ecosystems Oryza sativa L.

in semi-arid tropics. University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur India. Ndabila, Amos. Shahane, Amit Anil. Influence of cultivation methods and nutrient managment on productivity and nutrient dynaics in Rice Oryza sativa L. Cropping System. PhD dissertation, Division of Agronomy ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Rice phd thesis New Delhi.

Perbaikan teknologi budidaya padi Oryza sativa L. metode SRI the System of Rice Intensification melalui optimasi lahan serta pengelolaan popluasi dan gulma. PhD dissertation, Universitas Andalas Indonesia. doi: A study of socio-economic analysis of adoption and dissemination of System of Rice Intensification SRI in Chhattisgarh.

MBA thesis, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology Odisha, India 43 p, rice phd thesis. Sahu, Ekamra Ranjan.

A study on socio-economic analysis of adoption and dissemination of System of Rice Intensification SRI in Bihar. MBA thesis, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology Rice phd thesis, India 42 p.

Analisis adopsi SRI System of Rice Intensification dan dampaknya terhadap efisiensi usahatani padi di Kabupaten Solok Selatan Analysis of adoption SRI System of Rice Intensification and its impact on rice farming efficiency in South Solok District. Master's thesis, Bogor Agricultural University IPB Indonesia.

Sustainable Intensification for food security and climate change adaptation in Tanzania. PhD dissertation, The Ohio State University. Effect of site specific nitrogen management approaches in different rice establishment systems. PhD disseration.

Eliyah, J. Effects of flooding and system of rice intensification on nitrogen use efficiency in rice production at Mkindo, Morogoro, Tanzania. Master's thesis. Gicheru, Mercy Njeri, rice phd thesis. Barriers and enablers to the uptake and implementation of System of Rice Intensification; A case study of Mwea Irrigation Scheme in Kenya. University of Capetown, South Africa. pdf Hassouni, Laith Naeem. Effects of irrigation scheduling and the application of organic matter on rice yield under the System of Rice Intensification SRI.

Master's thesis, Baghdad University Iraq. The role of Farmer Field Schools in adoption and adaptation of recommended rice production practices in Mvomero District in Tanzania. MSc thesis, Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Bunda College, Malawi.

Khan, Azad Hussain. Studies on effect of system of rice intensification on the yield of CMS and rice phd thesis lines under the organic and inorganic management. PhD dissertation, G. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India p.

Performance of different methods of crop establishment in relation to nutrient management in rice-rice system. PhD dissertation, Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University p. Mark, Ariel. Master's thesis, University for Sustainable Development Eberswalde Germany.

Zhicheng Ji PhD thesis defense

, time: 57:31

System of Rice Intensification - SRI Theses

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