Oct 04, · “While the CDC has tempered its stand on guns and violence research in the last two decades following the restrictions of (events that will be described in other chapters), the rest of the PHE (Public Health Establishment) movement — supported financially by wealthy gun control proponents such as Michael Bloomberg and George Soros, as well as progressive (Leftist, Author: James I. Ausman, James I. Ausman, Miguel A. Faria The debate between those for and against gun control is becoming more and more prominent in the United States. Several gun control activists have problems with the possibility of owning weapons. The solution is simple. Research Paper for Gun Control to Apr 23, · The research paper is on gun control and the push for gun control. To respond to the topic the paper first lays down in the first paragraph basic concepts of the gun control ideals and the pro-gun movement. The introduction explores the basic tenets and motivations of the pro-gun and gun control activists in America
Against Gun Control Research Paper - Words | Bartleby
This guide will serve as a starting point for Shippensburg University students wishing to conduct research on various aspects of the national debate over gun control. You will find news sources to keep you up-to-date on recent firearms issues; information on past and present gun control legislation; websites of advocacy groups; and books, articles, and reports concerning gun control.
Main Term s : gun control, gun laws Related Terms: firearms, gun violence, weapons Broader Terms: government regulations, pressure groups, safety regulations Narrower Terms: National Rifle Association, right research paper against gun control bear arms, second amendment, research paper against gun control, gun violence - prevention.
Use this research paper against gun control tool to find high quality web sources for your research. You can limit by In-Depth Journalism, Newpaper Topic Guides, Science News, CRS Congressional Research Service Reports, and Web Directories. Please Note : Several ads will appear first in the results list. A number of important national newspapers have topic or issue sections of their website that bring together all the paper's articles on particular research paper against gun control. The leading example of this is "Times Topics" from the New York Times.
Unfortunately, these sections are often not easy to browse research paper against gun control locate on the newspaper websites. Use the "High Quality Web Source Finder" search box above to search for your topic. Then choose the Newspaper Topic Guides tab to look for these in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, and Chicago Tribune.
If you should hit a pay wall when browsing these newspapers, simply search for articles from any of these three papers using the ProQuest Newstand library database. The Congressional Research Service CRS is the public policy research division of Congress. It issues detailed research reports on a very wide range of issues.
CRS doesn't maintain its own website, but its reports are available through several organizations and libraries. It looks like you're using Internet Explorer 11 or older. This website works best research paper against gun control modern browsers such as the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. Ship Library Special Topics Gun Control and Gun Rights Home Search this Guide Search. Gun Control and Gun Rights This topical guide contains resources related to issues of gun control and gun rights.
Search Terms. Background Sources, research paper against gun control. Gun Control - Short Report CQ Researcher. Gun Control CQ Researcher. Guns and Gun Control Times Topics. Second Amendment Times Topics, research paper against gun control.
Firearms Times Topics. Gun Control National Public Radio. Guns National Public Radio. Guns or Gun Violence Search Journalist's Resource. Guns ProPublica. Gun Wars Center for Public Integrity. Guns Reveal: The Center for Investigative Reporting. Federal Firearms Laws: Overview and Selected Legal Issues for the th Congress Confessional Research Service. Gun Control: National Instant Criminal Background Check System NICS Operations and Related Legislation Congressional Research Service.
Arming Teachers as a Response to School Shootings Congressional Research Service. Articles in Scholarly Encyclopedias. Right to Bear Arms Encyclopedia of the Supreme Court of the United States Short article describing the Second Amendment and the debate in the courts. Denning, Brannon P. David S. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, Gun Control in the United States: A Reference Handbook by Gregg Lee Carter; Mildred Vasan Editor Call Number: EBL Ebook.
There are as many guns in the United States as there are adults. This book, presents the issue with both sides of the debate on all the issues and, thus, the tools to make an informed decision. It breaks the debate into topics like history, effectiveness, legislation and court cases, individuals and organizations, and reliable further resources. Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice by Gary L.
Anderson Editor ; Kathryn G. Herr Editor Call Number: GVRL Ebook. This encyclopedia is designed to give understanding to the topics, concepts and ideas which have motivated and shaped the fields of activism, research paper against gun control, civil engagement and social justice as well as offering short biographies of all the major thinkers and leaders who have influenced, and continue to influence, the study of activism.
With anti-globalization rallies and acts of civil disobedience increasing in the western world, activism and social justice are topics of general public debate in the media. This encyclopedia looks to put into context the history of 20th and 21st century political and social activism and further the debate on social justice. Gun Policy in the United States and Canada by Anthony K, research paper against gun control.
Fleming Call Number: EBL Ebook. The shooting at Virginia Tech in was one of the worst mass murders in the U. In contrast, following a similar event in Montreal inCanada created new comprehensive gun policy. Such different outcomes are the focus of this survey, which sets out to explore the gun policymaking process in the U.
and Canada in the aftermath of major events. It explores the many factors that lead to the drastically different reactions of the federal governments in each state if the aftermath of a mass shooting or assassination. To do so, it examines such elements as institutional arrangements, interest groups pressures NRA, e.
Kennedy, research paper against gun control, Martin Luther King, Jr. A unique comparative study, Gun Policy in the United States and Canada will be an essential resource to anyone researching gun policy issues and comparative policymaking. Guns, Gun Control, and Elections: The Politics and Policy of Firearms by Harry L.
Wilson Call Number: HV W55 Gun-related violence remains an intractable problem despite a decline in the past decade. Some believe the solution lies in stricter gun control laws while others think these measures would be ineffective or counter-productive. Guns, Gun Control, and Elections examines current gun control policy and explains how it was adopted by discussing the roles and interactions of elected officials, interest groups, political parties, and the public, research paper against gun control.
Original research on media coverage and public opinion as well as a chapter on state policy Virginia make the book both informative and accessible. The book focuses on the utility of gun policy, and its discussion of policy impact is grounded in real-world politics, research paper against gun control. Wilson also highlights the importance of gun control in the Presidential elections of and as well as in some U.
Senate and statewide campaigns. Guns, Violence, and Criminal Behavior: The Offender's Perspective by Mark R. Pogrebin; Paul B. Stretesky; N. Prabha Unnithan Call Number: HV P65 How are guns used and viewed by criminals? Where do criminals obtain guns? And how do laws make firearms more or less accessible? Confronting these contentious questions, Guns, Violence, and Criminal Behavior offers a comprehensive exploration of the social processes surrounding illegal firearm use and criminal behavior.
The authors draw on in-depth interviews with felons convicted of gun-related crimes and previous quantitative studies to offer a fresh look at the key issues of gun violence.
Highlighting the overlooked symbolic influence of guns in criminal situations, their findings underscore the power of social and cultural forces in affecting gun use. Out of Range: Why the Constitution Can't End the Battle over Guns by Mark V. Tushnet Call Number: EBL Ebook. Few constitutional disputes maintain as powerful a grip on the public mind as the battle over the Second Amendment. In Out of Range, one of the nation's leading legal scholars takes a calm, objective look at this bitter debate.
Tushnet breaks down the different positions on the Second Amendment, showing that it is a mistake to stereotype them, research paper against gun control. Along the way, he examines various experiments in public policy, from both sides, and finds little clear evidence for the practical effectiveness of any approach to gun safety and prosecution.
Of course, he notes, most advocates of the right to keep and bear arms agree that it should be subject to reasonable regulation. Ultimately, Tushnet argues, our view of the Second Amendment reflects our sense of ourselves as a people.
This compact, incisive examination offers an honest and thoughtful guide to both sides of the argument, pointing the way to solutions that could calm, if not settle, this bitter dispute. Research Organizations. Gun Rights vs. Gun Control OpenSecrets. org OpenSecrets. org, a resource for federal campaign contributions, lobbying data and analysis, is powered by The Center for Responsive Politics, which research paper against gun control a research group that tracks money in U, research paper against gun control.
politics and its effect on elections and public policy. This is their analysis of the politics behind the gun control debate. Government Agencies.
Gun Control Pros And Cons
, time: 5:56Is gun control really about people control?

As gun control debate remains very controversial given the different perceptions, the paper seeks addresses the argument in support and against the gun control in the United States. Supportive arguments about gun control Controlling guns aim at assessing and managing the use of illegal guns that are at the disposal of criminals which would lead to increase case of criminal activities (Blocher, David B. Kopel is research director at the Independence Institute and is an associate policy analyst with the Cato Institute. I n politicizing mass murders, gun control advo- Apr 23, · The research paper is on gun control and the push for gun control. To respond to the topic the paper first lays down in the first paragraph basic concepts of the gun control ideals and the pro-gun movement. The introduction explores the basic tenets and motivations of the pro-gun and gun control activists in America
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