Oct 15, · This page of the essay has words. Download the full version above. Job satisfaction is a critical aspect in the workplace because it tends to enhance motivation. It refers to the level to which employees like or dislike their jobs and their characteristics.5/5(1) Job satisfaction has been defined as a pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job;[1] an affective reaction to one’s job;[2] and an attitude towards one’s job.[3] Weiss () has argued that job satisfaction is an attitude but points out that researchers should clearly distinguish the objects of cognitive evaluation which are affect (emotion), beliefs and behaviours.[4] Apr 10, · Practically speaking, people tend to find a job with a higher income to meet their day to day needs. Whilst, in reality, the feeling of satisfaction with their job weighs more than the compensation itself which I agree with. Contentment is way more necessary regardless of what kind of a job we are into as long as we are fortunately grateful, motivated, and fulfilled
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In finding relevant literature on job satisfaction, some authors seem to use the terms "job satisfaction" and "motivation" interchangeably. However, the two concepts can also be viewed as separate concepts. Motivation can be defined as a persistent effort directed towards a goal Weallens,p. Job satisfaction, on the other hand, refers to a collection of attitudes that workers have towards their jobs Johns,p, job satisfaction essay. Similar with above statement, Ivancevich, Konopaske, and Matteson, define job satisfaction as an attitude that individuals have towards their jobs which stops from their perception of their jobs and the degree to which there is a good fit between the individual and the organization Ivancevich, Konopaske, Matteson,p.
While according to Spector, job satisfaction is defined as the extent to which people like satisfaction or dislike dissatisfaction their jobs Spector,p.
Malayu SP. Hasibuan stated that job satisfaction is a gratifying emotional attitude job satisfaction essay an employee and the love for the job. This attitude reflected by it is work morale, discipline, and work performance and achievement Hasibuan,p, job satisfaction essay.
In line with Hasibuan, T. Hani Handoko also said that job satisfaction is a gratifying emotional situation of an employee on how they see and feel about their job Handoko,p. According to Job satisfaction essay. So in conclusion, job satisfaction is the individual insight about how their job can fulfill their needs and expectations. The insight will be reflected in the work. If the insight is good, which means the job satisfaction is good, job satisfaction essay, the work performance and attitude will be good.
And so is the opposite. Employees who have achieved satisfaction in their job will work with higher motivation and handle their job in a positive way. They will also have a positive attitude and able to maintain a good relationship in society, including working environment Robbins, job satisfaction essay,p. The goal of the company will then be achieved easily and faster, also it will increase productivity.
Therefore, top management should be aware that job satisfaction is really important for their employees due to its effect to productivity and attitude. Added by Ellisonin certain level, job satisfaction contributes to mental health and general life satisfaction, due to the opportunity to experience a sense of accomplishment and performing in a satisfying job, and this feeling spills over to their personal life Ellison,p.
Furthermore, the opportunity to participate in a satisfying work is often thought to contribute to psychological well-being. The more satisfied employee tends to be psychologically healthier George,p. This kind of stress is an individual experience and specific to the work context. The impact of job satisfaction on job performance has been studied for many decades.
One of the most widely debated and controversial issues in the study of job satisfaction are its relationship with job performance. The views are illustrated in. Analyzing the theory above, it shows that job satisfaction is an important factor in a job performance.
Either added with another factor such as reward or not, job satisfaction is a factor that can cause the job performance, or a factor that happened because of the job performance.
Generally, wages or salary is the major factors that affect job satisfaction. In a developing country like Indonesia, this statement could be true to certain levels of job satisfaction. But once someone has reached a higher level of living, wages or salary are no longer becoming major factors to achieve job satisfaction.
Most employees prefer a job that can show their potential, and is a job that can offer many tasks, activities, freedom in doing the work, and feedback about how good they are doing. It will create motivation in them Robbins,job satisfaction essay, p. Most employees want a fair, appropriate, and acceptable reward system and promotion policy Robbins, job satisfaction essay,p, job satisfaction essay.
A great working environment will make the employee feel comfortable and more enjoyable in doing their work. Experts say that employees prefer a physically safe working environment Robbins,p. Most employees think that working is not only about money and achievement, but it is also to fulfill the need to socialize with each other.
People who have their personality type congruent with the job that they choose should realized that they have the right talent and skills to fulfilled the needs of their job Robbins,p. Ivancevich and Mattesonp. Those five factors are pay, job, promotion, job satisfaction essay, supervisor and co-workers. While some other job satisfaction essay stated that there are eight factors that influence job satisfaction.
Those factors are pay, job, promotion, supervisor, co-workers, autonomy in doing job, perceived of growth or no growth, and self assessment of qualification. The explanation of these eight factors are as below. Pay is a number one factor that is stated job satisfaction essay most of the authors.
In the literature, job satisfaction essay, pay is often mentioned as the most motivator of performance and a determinant of job satisfaction, although the exact role job satisfaction essay pay has been questioned Vigoda-Gadot, Johnsp.
The perceived equity of pay refers to the perception of employees regarding the fulfillment of payment obligations by the employer, job satisfaction essay. If pay is acceptable to an employee, a level of job satisfaction may be increased. And if employees perceived some equity between their work and pay, job satisfaction essay, their job satisfaction will be increased as well. He also suggests that satisfaction and pay have a positive interrelationship. However, not everyone desires money to the same level, and some workers are willing to accept less physically demanding work, less responsibility or fewer working hours for lower pay.
Also, he found in most companies there are groups of employees who are especially anxious to earn money by doing overtime and another group who actively avoid overtime. To summarize, despite level of desire to the money, pay is still becoming one of the most important factor that influence job satisfaction of the employee. Job, which means the nature of job itself, is the second mentioned factors that influence job satisfaction.
According to Ivancevich and Mattesonp. This factor also refers to the level where job tasks are considered interesting and provide opportunities for learning and accepting responsibility. It is also stated by the same author that when job content is intrinsically challenging, it builds strong levels of job satisfaction that can result in good performance and might prove as highly satisfying. Jobs should also afford an opportunity to experience a need for achievement, being recognized for achievements, feel accountable, and present opportunities for career growth.
Agree with above statement, Weallens said that the structure of the job affects job satisfaction, in the sense that the job are allowing enrichment and enhancement of the level of employee empowerment in terms of authority and responsibility. Dubinsky added that the job should also offer opportunity for more innovation and flexibility, and does not involve too many routine activities. Strengthen the theory, Armstrongp, job satisfaction essay. Employees can be entrusted with some decision-making powers for them to plan the execution of their jobs.
This may enhance their confidence in their jobs and they are likely to experience some satisfaction with their jobs because they can define the job satisfaction essay of their actions Armstrong, job satisfaction essay, p. In line with it, Johnsp. Such work is usually perceived as personally involving and important and provides the worker with clear feedback on performance.
However, Dubinsky said, some work may be too challenging, and this can result in feelings of failure and reduced satisfaction. In addition, some employees seem to prefer repetitive, unchallenging work that makes few demands on them Weallens, job satisfaction essay To summarize, the above factors are directly related to the nature of the job or the task, and how it influences the job satisfaction will depends on the individual of the employee.
Most literatures are mentioning about challenge as the important factor in the nature of job. Promotion as a dimension of job satisfaction refers job satisfaction essay the availability of opportunities for career advancement George,p.
Career advancement may not necessarily be associated with hierarchical progress in the organization, but it includes opportunities for lateral movement and growth Robbins et al, Johns and Vigoda-Gadot suggest that in order for promotion to be satisfying, promotion opportunities should fulfill the following:, job satisfaction essay.
Such signals may be material such as an accompanying raisewhile others are social recognition in the organization and increased prestige in the community Vigoda-Gadot, Weallens however, suggests that the availability of promotions that is based on a fair system contributes to job satisfaction.
Agreed with Weallens, Johns expanded that there is a cultural and individual difference in what is seen to constitute a fair promotion system. Some employees may prefer a strict seniority system, while others may desire a system based strictly upon job performance, job satisfaction essay.
Johns also stated that these people feel that fair and sufficient opportunities will contribute most to job satisfaction. Supervisor factor is seen as one of the important factors that affect job satisfaction. It also refers to the ability of the supervisor to provide emotional and technical support as well as guidance on work related tasks Robbins et al, According to Herzberg and Robbins et althe availability of a competent supervisor as in the above definition, does not necessarily increase job satisfaction but at least to maintain a level of "no dissatisfaction".
It must be borne in mind that in a number of instances, job satisfaction essay, supervisors represent their organizations in selection interviews, disciplinary hearings and are charged with signing other documents offers of employment, performance contracts etc on behalf of the organization. Supervisors may be perceived as organizations by their subordinates, as they normally represent the organization Ellison, If employees are dissatisfied with the superiors, there is a good chance that they may also be dissatisfied with the organization Dubinsky, Another important role of the supervisors is during the induction phase.
Supervisors are expected to ensure that new employees receive all the information necessary to enable them to function as efficiently and effectively as job satisfaction essay. This includes supervisors nurturing the range of feelings and beliefs that employees have about their jobs. If this nurturing does not take place, there is a good chance that employees will be dissatisfied with the jobs and their job context Dubinsky, Insensitive, incompetent and uncaring supervisors seem to have the most negative effect on employee job satisfaction.
However, job satisfaction is improves when supervisors are perceived to be fair, helpful, competent and effective Dubinsky, Thus the provision of emotional and technical support by supervisors may increase job satisfaction Dubinsky, job satisfaction essay, ; Spector, Co-workers as a dimension of job satisfaction relates to the extent to which they are friendly, competent and supportive.
This dimension is critical because employees need a friendly and considerate working environment to experience job satisfaction Johns, Johns further suggests that individuals have a need to affiliate with others, and this affiliation is most rewarding when co-workers are comfortable company.
In principle, individuals enjoy people who are easy to be job satisfaction essay. Further, job satisfaction essay, individuals tend to be more satisfied in the presence of people who offer assistance in their attainment job outcomes that they value. Such outcomes might include doing their work better or more easily, receiving a raise or promotion, job satisfaction essay, or even staying alive Spector, ; Robbins et al, The job satisfaction essay for affiliation in interpersonal relationship seems especially important in job satisfaction essay jobs with clear duties and various dead-end jobs and clear boundaries Spector, As jobs become more complex, pay becomes tied to performance or promotion opportunities increase, the ability of others to help others do their work well may contribute to overall job satisfaction in the workplace Ellison, ; Johns, ; Robbins et al,
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According to Colquitt, Lepine, and Wesson in Organizational Behavior, 5th ed., job satisfaction is a pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences. However, after careful research. Words. 2 Pages. Good Essays Employees with high job satisfaction experience positive feeling and attitudes when they carry out their works and duties, vice verse. Moreover, job satisfaction represents what they expect to gain from the job meet or exceed their expectation. Commonly, employees are Oct 15, · This page of the essay has words. Download the full version above. Job satisfaction is a critical aspect in the workplace because it tends to enhance motivation. It refers to the level to which employees like or dislike their jobs and their characteristics.5/5(1)
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