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Do all established traditions deserve to remain in existence essay

Do all established traditions deserve to remain in existence essay

do all established traditions deserve to remain in existence essay

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During his career Derrida published more than 40 books, together with hundreds of essays and public presentations. He had a significant influence on the humanities and social sciencesincluding philosophy, literaturelaw[10] [11] [12] anthropology[13] historiography[14] applied linguistics[15] sociolinguistics[16] psychoanalysisarchitectureand political theory.

His work retains major academic influence throughout the US, [17] continental EuropeSouth America and all other countries where continental philosophy has been predominant, particularly in debates around ontologyepistemology especially concerning social sciencesethicsaestheticshermeneuticsand the philosophy of language.

In most of the Anglospherewhere analytic philosophy is dominant, Derrida's influence is most presently felt in literary studies due to his longstanding interest in language and his association with prominent literary critics from his time at Yale. He also influenced architecture in the form of deconstructivismmusic[18] art[19] and art criticism. Particularly in his later writings, Derrida addressed ethical and political themes in his work.

Some critics consider Speech and Phenomena to be his most important work. Others cite: Of GrammatologyWriting and Differenceand Margins of Philosophy These writings influenced various activists and political movements.

Derrida was born on July 15, do all established traditions deserve to remain in existence essay,in a summer home in El Biar AlgiersAlgeria, [3] into a Sephardic Jewish family originally from Toledo that became French in when the Crémieux Decree granted full French citizenship to the Jews of Algeria.

Derrida was the third of five children. His elder brother Paul Moïse died at less than three months old, the year before Derrida was born, leading him to suspect throughout his life his role as a replacement for his deceased brother. On the first day of the school year inFrench administrators in Algeria —implementing antisemitism quotas set by the Vichy government—expelled Derrida from his lycée.

He secretly skipped school for a year rather than attend the Jewish lycée formed by displaced teachers and students, and also took part in numerous football competitions he dreamed of becoming a professional player.

In this adolescent period, Derrida found in the works of philosophers and writers such as RousseauNietzscheand Gide an instrument of revolt against family and society.

In the late s, he attended the Lycée Bugeaud [ fr ]in Algiers; [33] in he moved to Paris, [4] [22] attending the Lycée Louis-le-Grand[33] where his professor of philosophy was Étienne Borne. After visiting the Husserl Archive in LeuvenBelgium —he completed his master's degree in philosophy diplôme d'études supérieures [ fr ] on Edmund Husserl see below.

He then passed the highly competitive agrégation exam in Derrida received a grant for studies at Harvard Universityand he spent the —57 academic year reading James Joyce 's Ulysses at the Widener Library. During the Algerian War of Independence of —, Derrida asked to teach soldiers' children in lieu of military service, teaching French and English from to Following the war, from toDerrida taught philosophy at the Sorbonnewhere he was an assistant of Suzanne Bachelard daughter of GastonGeorges Canguilhemdo all established traditions deserve to remain in existence essay, Paul Ricœur who in do all established traditions deserve to remain in existence essay years coined the term hermeneutics of suspicion and Jean Wahl.

Inon the recommendation of Louis Althusser and Jean HyppoliteDerrida got a permanent teaching position at the ENS, which he kept until With " Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences ", his contribution to a colloquium on structuralism at Johns Hopkins Universityhis work began to gain international prominence. At the same do all established traditions deserve to remain in existence essay Derrida would meet Jacques Lacan and Paul de Manthe latter an important interlocutor in the years to come.

In the same year, Derrida published his first three books— Writing and DifferenceSpeech and Phenomenaand Of Grammatology. Inhe received his first honorary doctorate from Columbia University and was awarded his State doctorate doctorat d'État by submitting to the University of Paris ten of his previously published books in conjunction with a defense of his intellectual project under the title " L'inscription de la philosophie : Recherches sur l'interprétation de l'écriture " "Inscription in Philosophy: Research on the Interpretation of Writing".

In Derrida collaborated with Ken McMullen on the film Ghost Dance. Derrida appears in the film as himself and also contributed to the script. Derrida traveled widely and held a series of visiting and permanent positions. Derrida became full professor directeur d'études at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris from he had been elected at the end of He was elected as its first president. In Sylviane Agacinski gave birth to Derrida's third child, Daniel, do all established traditions deserve to remain in existence essay.

On May 8,Derrida was elected a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Do all established traditions deserve to remain in existence essay of Arts and Sciencesto Class IV - Humanities, Section 3 -Criticism and Philology. In Derrida became Professor of the Humanities at the University of California, Irvinewhere he taught until shortly before his death in His papers were filed in the university archives, do all established traditions deserve to remain in existence essay.

After Derrida's death, his widow and sons said they wanted copies of UCI's archives shared with the Institute of Contemporary Publishing Archives in France. The university had sued in an attempt to get manuscripts and correspondence from Derrida's widow and children that it believed the philosopher had promised to UC Irvine's collection, although it dropped the suit in Derrida was a regular visiting professor at several other major American and European universities, including Johns Hopkins UniversityYale UniversityNew York UniversityStony Brook Universityand The New School for Social Research.

He was awarded honorary doctorates by the University of CambridgeColumbia UniversityThe New School for Social Researchthe University of EssexKatholieke Universiteit Leuventhe University of Silesiathe University of Coimbrathe University of Athensand many others around the world. Inhe received the Adorno-Preis from the University of Frankfurt. Derrida's honorary degree at Cambridge was protested by leading philosophers in the analytic tradition.

Philosophers including QuineMarcusand Armstrong wrote a letter to the university objecting that "Derrida's work does not meet accepted standards of clarity and rigour," and "Academic status based on what seems to us to be little more than semi-intelligible attacks upon the values of reason, truth, and scholarship is not, we submit, sufficient grounds for the awarding of an honorary degree in a distinguished university".

Late in his life, Derrida participated in making two biographical documentaries, D'ailleurs, Derrida Derrida's Elsewhere by Safaa Fathy[47] and Derrida by Kirby Dick and Amy Ziering Kofman Derrida was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer inwhich reduced his speaking and travelling engagements. At the time of his death, Derrida had agreed to go for the summer to Heidelberg as holder of the Gadamer professorship, [51] whose invitation was expressed by the hermeneutic philosopher himself before his death.

Peter Hommelhoff, Rector at Heidelberg by that time, would summarize Derrida's place as: "Beyond the boundaries of philosophy as an academic discipline he was a leading intellectual figure not only for the humanities but for the cultural perception of a whole age. Derrida referred to himself as a historian.

With his detailed readings of works from Plato to Rousseau to Heidegger, Derrida frequently argues that Western philosophy has uncritically allowed metaphorical depth models [ jargon ] to govern its conception of language and consciousness. He sees these often unacknowledged assumptions as part of a "metaphysics of presence" to which philosophy has bound itself. This "logocentrism," Derrida argues, creates "marked" or hierarchized binary oppositions that have an effect on everything from our conception of speech's relation to writing to our understanding of racial difference.

Deconstruction is an attempt to expose and undermine such "metaphysics. Derrida approaches texts as constructed around binary oppositions which all speech has to articulate if it intends to make any sense whatsoever.

This approach to text is, in a broad sense, influenced by the semiology of Ferdinand de Saussure. Perhaps Derrida's most quoted and famous assertion, [58] which appears in an essay on Rousseau in his book Of Grammatology[61] is the statement that "there is no out-of-context" il n'y a pas de hors-texte. means nothing else: there is nothing outside context. In this form, which says exactly the same thing, the formula would doubtless have been less shocking.

Derrida began his career examining the limits of phenomenology. His first lengthy academic manuscript, written as a dissertation for his diplôme d'études supérieures and submitted inconcerned the work of Edmund Husserl. Many elements of Derrida's thought were already present in this work. In the interviews collected in PositionsDerrida said:. In this essay the problematic of writing was already in place as such, bound to the irreducible structure of 'deferral' in its relationships to consciousness, do all established traditions deserve to remain in existence essay, presence, science, history and the history of science, the disappearance or delay of the origin, etc.

this essay can be read as the other side recto or verso, as you wish of Speech and Phenomena. Derrida first received major attention outside France with his lecture, "Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences," delivered at Johns Hopkins University in and subsequently included in Writing and Difference.

The conference at which this paper was delivered was concerned with structuralismthen at the peak of its influence in France, but only beginning to gain attention in the United States. Derrida differed from other participants by his lack of explicit commitment to structuralism, having already been critical of the movement.

He praised the accomplishments do all established traditions deserve to remain in existence essay structuralism but also maintained reservations about its internal limitations; [71] this has led US academics to label his thought as a form of post-structuralism. The effect of Derrida's paper was such that by the time the conference proceedings were published inthe title of the collection had become The Structuralist Controversy.

The conference was also where he met Paul de Manwho would be a close friend and source of great controversy, as well as where he first met the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacanwith whose work Derrida had a mixed relationship.

In the early s, Derrida began speaking and writing publicly, addressing the most topical debates at the time. One of these was the new and increasingly fashionable movement of structuralismwhich was being widely favoured as the successor to the phenomenology approach, the latter having been started by Husserl sixty years earlier. Derrida's countercurrent take on the issue, at a prominent international conference, was so influential that it reframed the discussion from a celebration of the triumph of structuralism to a "phenomenology vs structuralism debate.

Phenomenology, as envisioned by Husserl, is a method of philosophical inquiry that rejects the rationalist bias that has dominated Western thought since Plato in favor of a method of reflective attentiveness that discloses the individual's "lived experience;" for those with a more phenomenological bent, the goal was to understand experience by do all established traditions deserve to remain in existence essay and describing its genesis, the process of its emergence from an origin or event.

In that context, inDerrida asked the question: Must not structure have a genesis, and must not the origin, the point of genesis, be already structured, in order to be the genesis of something? This original complexity must not be understood as an original positingbut more like a default of origin, which Derrida refers to as iterability, inscription, or textuality, do all established traditions deserve to remain in existence essay.

Derrida's method consisted in demonstrating the forms and varieties of this originary complexity, and their multiple consequences in many fields.

He achieved this by conducting thorough, careful, sensitive, and yet transformational readings of philosophical and literary texts, to determine what aspects of those texts run counter to their apparent systematicity structural unity or intended sense authorial genesis. By demonstrating the aporias and ellipses of thought, Derrida hoped to show the infinitely subtle ways in which this originary complexity, which by definition cannot ever be completely known, works its structuring and destructuring effects.

Derrida's interests crossed disciplinary boundaries, do all established traditions deserve to remain in existence essay, and his knowledge of a wide array of diverse material was reflected in the three collections of work published in Speech and PhenomenaOf Grammatology initially submitted as a Doctorat de spécialité thesis under Maurice de Gandillac[33] and Writing and Difference.

On several occasions, Derrida has acknowledged his debt to Husserl and Heideggerand stated that without them he would not have said a single word. This collection of three books published in elaborated Derrida's theoretical framework. Derrida attempts to approach the very heart of the Western intellectual traditioncharacterizing this tradition as "a search for a transcendental being that serves as the origin or guarantor of meaning".

The attempt to "ground the meaning relations constitutive of the world in an instance that do all established traditions deserve to remain in existence essay lies outside all relationality" was referred to by Heidegger as logocentrismand Derrida argues that the philosophical enterprise is essentially logocentric, [94] and that this is a paradigm inherited from Judaism and Hellenism.

Inhe published his influential essay " Plato's Pharmacy " in the French journal Tel Quel. Starting inDerrida produced on average more than one book per year.

Derrida continued to produce important works, such as Glas and The Post Card: From Socrates to Freud and Beyond Derrida received increasing attention in the United States afterwhere he was a regular visiting professor and lecturer at several major American universities.

In the s, during the American culture warsconservatives started a dispute over Derrida's influence and legacy upon American intellectuals, [54] and claimed that he influenced American literary critics and theorists more than academic philosophers. On March 14,Derrida presented at the CIPH conference entitled "Heidegger: Open Questions," a lecture which was published in October as Of Spirit: Heidegger and the Question. It follows the shifting role of Geist spirit through Heidegger's work, do all established traditions deserve to remain in existence essay, noting that, in"spirit" was one of the philosophical terms do all established traditions deserve to remain in existence essay Heidegger set his sights on dismantling.

Derrida asks, "What of this meantime? Of Spirit contributes to the long debate on Heidegger's Nazism and appeared at the same time as the French publication of a book by a previously unknown Chilean writer, Victor Faríaswho charged that Heidegger's philosophy amounted to a wholehearted endorsement of the Nazi Sturmabteilung SA faction. Derrida responded to Farías in an interview, "Heidegger, the Philosopher's Hell" and a subsequent article, "Comment donner raison?

How to Concede, with Reasons? Some have argued that Derrida's work took a political and ethical "turn" in the s. Texts cited as evidence of such a turn include Force of Lawas well as Specters of Marx and Politics of Friendship Some refer to The Gift of Death as evidence that he began more directly applying deconstruction to the relationship between ethics and religion.

In this work, Derrida interprets passages from the Bible, particularly on Abraham and the Sacrifice of Isaac[] [] and from Søren Kierkegaard 's Fear and Trembling. However, scholars such as Leonard LawlorRobert Magliolaand Nicole Anderson have argued that the "turn" has been exaggerated.

Derrida develops an ethicist view respecting to hospitality, exploring the idea that two types of hospitalities exist, conditional and unconditional.

Showing people's perspectives about the essence of their existence.

, time: 14:38

Jacques Derrida - Wikipedia

do all established traditions deserve to remain in existence essay

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