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Effect of Motivation on Employee Performance | Dissertation
Employee motivation and motivation in general can be defined as a psychosomatic process that directs a person to behave and react in a way that helps them to satiate certain unfulfilled needs Latham G.
Motivation is what provides the stimuli and direction towards which employees can execute their duties Lauby S. Motivation can be broken into three distinct categories that depend on each other for success. First of all, individual choices are driven by persistence, which reminds them of their unfulfilled needs. The choice taken will make an employee change their behavior in order to be in the right direction that would allow them to achieve those needs.
Thirdly, there is the upholding of that behavior, which will go on until those needs and desires are achieved. Motivation however occurs differently in varying situations. Achieving a specific goal requires a particular motivational strategy and that same strategy cannot be used to achieve another goal.
According to Gary Lathamemployees draw their motivation from unfulfilled needs that they need to satisfy. Were it not for those deficiencies, then people would never have enjoyed work. Dissertation on staff motivation motivation to work therefore is directly equated to human needs. Once those needs are fulfilled, then the morale to work goes down. These theories were however opposed and criticized strongly by many researchers Latham, They argued that individuals did not receive motivation to work due to fulfilling certain needs.
Research conducted by these groups reveals that apart from just fulfilling their needs, many people engage themselves in jobs for enjoyment. An artist will not just draw a beautiful portrait of Zeus just to sell it and make money, but also to practice and enjoy what they do best Latham, This theory views motivation as a desire that changes over time and these shifts are governed by different levels of needs. These needs are the actual drivers of employees to work hard in order to achieve their goals by all means.
According to Hiam Alexanderthese needs are organized into a certain hierarchical order that one must follow in order to reach the highest levels.
While coming up with this theory, Maslow suggested that needs already satisfied can no longer motivate someone to work hard. Once they achieve their purposed needs, employees begin to drift towards fulfilling needs that are situated at a higher level in the hierarchy.
This theory was however criticized strongly because one does not have to follow the order as put by Maslow in satisfying their needs.
The order that Maslow proposed starts with biological and physiological needs at the base, followed by safety dissertation on staff motivation, belongingness and love needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs.
As much as Maslow tied employee motivation to hierarchical needs, Hiam believes that recognition, involvement and participation are among some of the factors that motivate a worker at the dissertation on staff motivation. According to Crouse Normfactors such as involvement, achievement, autonomy, participation, delegation and recognition are what increases dissertation on staff motivation motivation of employees towards achieving a certain goal.
Apart from that, dissertation on staff motivation, hygienic factors such as working conditions, salary, and policies also influence the motivation of employees. As Crouse further states, poor hygienic conditions and poorly managed administrative policies lowers the morale of workers in an organization. This theory suggests that employers should play the role of motivating their employees and is key to employee motivation. They should strive to ensure that all the factors involving working conditions go in favor of dissertation on staff motivation employees — considering these factors will improve performance and bring better results for any organization.
Both the two factors proposed in this theory work alongside each other. No factor is independent on its own. Once the hygienic factors are fulfilled, the motivational factors can also be satisfied.
Trying to satisfy only one set may lead to the lowering of work morale among workers, dissertation on staff motivation, though. After doing away with the dissatisfaction in hygienic factors, employers should look forward to involving their employees in participating and developing programs, dissertation on staff motivation.
This will influence how they will perceive themselves as a part of the organization, dissertation on staff motivation, with their due respect and recognition. This will make them improve their performance in the workplace, for they will not only increase the returns but they will also make the working environment appear more healthy and active. This theory was also criticized severely by Bruce Annewho argued that it did not serve the motivational needs of employees universally.
Employees experience socioeconomic conditions differently and this makes them behave in variance. Unlike need-based theories, these theories focus mainly on job aspects that motivate employees and change their behavior towards achieving their needs. According to Brucethese theories look at how employees fulfill their needs, while at the same time bargaining between behavioral choices that will suit their motivational patterns. It is believed that extrinsic factors are independent from intrinsic factors in employee motivation.
However, this belief does not work in contemporary organizations, because such intrinsic factors like participation and involvement are closely linked to extrinsic factors like financial incentives in the motivation of employees. Cognitive evaluation theory argues that satisfying internal factors first before proceeding to satisfy the external factors does not work. Both these factors are supposed to be satisfied at the dissertation on staff motivation time for any improvement to occur in an organization.
Giving employees financial incentives and denying them an opportunity to participate and involve dissertation on staff motivation in organizational matters such as decision-making will not motivate them fully towards achieving the goals and objectives of that organization Latham, Some of the internal factors to be considered in employee motivation include appreciation of self-worth, employee autonomy and rewards for the achievements made.
Organizations should consider such factors before coming up with job designs. The model below demonstrates various reward aspects. Cognitive evaluation theory can help organizations to attract talented employees because of the commendable pay and the participation of employees in decision-making. This theory was proposed by Edwin Locke and Latham in According to Lathamthe intention and objectives of an employee in a workplace is innate and that is what drives motivation. The more complex the goals become, the harder the employees work, thus improving performance.
Organizations are therefore supposed to set more challenging goals for their employees in order to improve productivity. As Latham further states, this theory only looks at the increasing complexity of goals with other factors remaining constant. In case there is an interruption in other contributory factors, then the challenge to achieve those goals becomes void.
Apart from that, employees are supposed to accept the challenge of achieving their needs as presented to them by the goals set. Failure to accept those challenges will instead reduce the motivation towards performance. Leaving the employees to set their own goals and objectives will result in better performance than when they are set for them by their organizations.
According to Purcell Johnthat autonomy makes employees believe in themselves and set goals that will be achieved more readily than if the goals had been set for them by others. Purcell further suggests that an employee who is restricted too much is less likely to get motivated than one that is left to participate in goal setting and decision-making processes. Contemporary organizations are supposed to therefore understand the needs of their employees before setting goals.
According to Ritter Joseph and Anker Richardthe relationship between managers and their employees greatly affects motivation. Managers are supposed to come up with strategies that will ensure that employees remain motivated all the time. One related strategy is formulating a plan where the employee can have live forums with their supervisors and managers on a regular basis. Through those forums, managers are also supposed to recognize the behavioral patterns of their employees.
Every employee has their own distinct behavior that cannot be compared to another. By understanding and appreciating the behavioral patterns of their employees, managers will be able to know which incentives and techniques to use to increase employee motivation. Better communication between managers and their employees is also another factor that strengthens the relationship between them.
Managers who rarely communicate with their employees suffer a blow when it comes dissertation on staff motivation the overall outcomes of the organization. Regular communication between the two also makes managers understand the needs of each personal employee, thus knowing which technique to use to motivate them. According to Brucemost managers generalize the needs of their employees. This generalization is what leads to dismal performances in most organizations. The study was conducted on eight employees of the Tech Organization in Canada.
All the eight employees admitted that their manager was close to them and that he understood the individual needs of each of them, dissertation on staff motivation. Three employees said that they were more motivated by intrinsic factors than extrinsic ones, while the remaining five revealed that extrinsic factors carried the weight in their motivation. However, both extrinsic and intrinsic factors mattered in motivating these employees.
If asked whether their manager understood them completely, all of them responded that he was a man who understood all their individual needs without generalizing. Employee training is also another component that keeps employees motivated. According to Lathamemployees are supposed be trained on a more regular basis concerning the new technologies introduced in an organization. Most organizations introduce fresh changes in order to remain relevant in the market.
Although such steps are taken to improve the performance of the organization, dissertation on staff motivation issue arises when the employees fail to incorporate those technologies in their working systems. Many organizations will carry out a short-term internal training for their employees, dissertation on staff motivation. According to Brucethis training technique discourages most employees because they are not given enough time to master new technologies.
Instead, both internal and external training are supposed dissertation on staff motivation be done. Employees should be sent out dissertation on staff motivation a plethora of seminars and conferences that deal with the technology particular to the company, dissertation on staff motivation. This will not only give them exposure, but they will also see themselves as important players in the organization.
The criteria dissertation on staff motivation by some organizations to only send out only their supervisors and managers for further studies is never taken well by the employees.
They see themselves as less important and this lowers their morale towards job performance thus reducing employee motivation. Apart from technological training, organizations are also supposed to train their employees in special skills that will help them overcome difficulties and stress at the workplace.
According to Brucestress and other psychological issues like depression reduce the motivation of an employee drastically. Specialists are supposed to be brought and teach employees dissertation on staff motivation they can reduce and manage their stress levels. It is difficult to realize the obstacles employees are going through unless managers develop a closer relationship with them.
One of the employees in the kitchen said that she strove to make the best food and serve her customers jovially. This, she said, was attributed to the program introduced by their manager to carry out a training that ran for 4 days for all the employees every month. She revealed that this not only helped her to improve her cooking styles, but it also encouraged her to be friendly and courteous to the people she served.
According to Hiamdissertation on staff motivation, teamwork is also one of the major components that determine the degree of motivation. In most companies and organizations, sales are achieved through teamwork. What determines motivation in a team is the type of task assigned and its expected outcomes. Once members gather together to fulfill a certain task, the bond and relationship among them heavily determines how that task will be accomplished.
How to motivate employees in the workplace - Extrinsic motivation vs intrinsic motivation
, time: 8:09Employee Motivation Theories - Sample Dissertations

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