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Bentley dissertation on the epistles of phalaris

Bentley dissertation on the epistles of phalaris

bentley dissertation on the epistles of phalaris

7 rows · A Dissertation Upon the Epistles of Phalaris: Author: Richard Bentley: Publisher: W. Bowyer a. 2/5(1) In Richard Bentley. In he published his Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris, a work in which he attacked the authenticity of the epistles, bringing all his learning and critical powers to bear in proof of their spuriousness. Read More; study of Phalaris A Dissertation Upon the Epistles of Phalaris by Richard Bentley is a digital PDF ebook for direct download to PC, Mac, Notebook, Tablet, iPad, iPhone, Smartphone, eReader - but not for A Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris; With an Answer to /10()

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I Remember, that discoursing with you upon this Passage of Sir W. These, bentley dissertation on the epistles of phalaris, I imagine, were your Thoughts; when you engaged me to this, that I am now doing. But I must take the freedom to profess, that I write without any view or regard to your Controversie; which I do not make my own, nor presume to interpose in it. But then the Authors they gave this Honour to, are Homer and Archilochus, one the Father of Heroic Poem, and the other of Epode and Trochaic.

And it appears from those Remains of Antiquity that are left us, that they never wanted Employment. For to forge and counterfeit Books, and father them upon Great Names, has been a Practice almost as old as Letters. But it was then most of all in fashion, when Page 8 the b Kings of Pergamus and Alexandria, rivalling one another in the Magnificence and Copiousness of their Libraries, gave great rates for any Treatises that carried the names of celebrated Authors.

Which was an Invitation to the Scribes and Copyers of those Times, to enhance the Price of their Wares by ascribing them to Men of Fame and Reputation; and to suppress the true Names, that would have yielded less Money. And now and then even an Author, bentley dissertation on the epistles of phalaris, that wrote for Bread, and made a Traffic of his Labours, would purposely conceal himself, and personate some old Writer of eminent Note; giving the Title and Credit of his Works to the Dead, that himself might the better live by them.

But what was then done chiefly for Lucre, was afterwards done out of Glory and Affectation, as an Exercise of Stile, and an Ostentation of Wit. Thus Ovid, we see, who was bred up in that way, writ Love Letters Page 9 in the Bentley dissertation on the epistles of phalaris of Penelope and the rest. But some of the Greek Sophists had the Success and Satisfaction to see their Essays in that kind pass with some Readers for the genuine Works of those they endeavoured to express.

This, no doubt, was great Content and Joy to them; being as full a Testimony of their Skill in Imitation; as the Birds gave to the Painter, when they peck'd at his Grapes.

And to speak bentley dissertation on the epistles of phalaris, the greatest part of Mankind are so easily imposed on in this way, that there is too great Invitation to put the trick upon them. What clumsie Cheats, those Sibylline Oracles now extant, and Aristeas 's Story of the Septuagint, passed without controul even among very learned Men.

For though Annius of Viterbo, after a Reputation bentley dissertation on the epistles of phalaris some Years, and Inghiramius immediately, were shamed out of all Credit: yet Sigonius 's Essay de Bentley dissertation on the epistles of phalaris, as coming from a skilful Hand, may perhaps pass for Cicero 's with some, as long as Cicero himself shall last.

THat Sophist, whoever he was, that wrote a small Book of Letters in the Name and Character of Phalaris, give me leave to say this now, which I shall prove by and by had not so bad a hand bentley dissertation on the epistles of phalaris Humouring and Personating, but that several believed, it was the Tyrant himself that talked so big, and could not discover the Ass under the Skin of that Lion. For we find Stobaeus dquoting the 38, and 67, and 72, of those Epistles, under the Title of Phalaris.

And Suidas, in the Account he gives of him, says he has wrote most admirable Letters, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉meaning those that we are speaking of. And Iohannes Tzetzes, a Man of much rambling Learning, has many and large Extracts out of them, in his Chiliads; ascribing them all to the Tyrant whose Livery they wear.

As for the Moderns; besides the Approbation of those smaller Critics, that have been concerned in the Editions of them, and cry them up of course; some very Learned Men have espoused and maintained them, such as Thomas Fazellus ebentley dissertation on the epistles of phalaris, and Iacobus Cappellus f.

Even Mr, bentley dissertation on the epistles of phalaris. To whom I may add their latest and greatest Advocate; who has honoured them with that most high Character, prefixt to this Treatise. Others, indeed, have shewn their Distrust of Phalaris 's Title to them; but are content to declare their Sentiment without assigning their Reasons.

Lucian, whom they commonly mistake for Phalaris, [says Ang. Politianus, Epist. Gyraldus, Poet. Page 13 Hist. How judiciously they ascribe them to Lucian, we shall see better anon; after I have examin'd the Case of Phalaris, who has the Plea and Right of Possession. And I shall not go to dispossess him, as those have done before me, by an Arbitrary Sentence in his own Tyrannical Way; but proceed with him upon lawful Evidence, and a fair, impartial Trial.

The Censures that are made from Stile and Language alone, are commonly nice and uncertain, and depend upon slender Notices. I shall begin therefore with another sort of Proofs, that will affect the most slow Judgments, and assure the most timid or incredulous.

XXXI, 2. Phalaris apud Agrigentinos tyrannidem exercet; and the End of it Olymp. XXXVII, 2. But St. LIII, 3. or as other Copies read it, LII, 2. Phalaris tyrannidem exercuit annos XVI. Because Stesichorus was but VI Years old at that supposed time of Phalaris 's Death; and Pythagoras was not taken notice of in Greece till LXXX Years after it. and expiring after XVI Years, Olymp. LVII, bentley dissertation on the epistles of phalaris, 3. The Sophist was careful to mention such Cities as he knew were in Sicily.

For so Ptolemee places 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 there; and Antoninus, Phintis; and Pliny, Phintienses. A pretty Slip this of our Sophist, who, like the rest of his Profession, was more vers'd in the Books of Orators than Historians, to introduce his Tyrant borrowing Money of a City, almost CCC Years before it was named or built.

In the XCII Epistle, he threatens Stesichorus the Poet, for raising Money and Soldiers against him at Aluntium and Alaesa, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 : and that perhaps he might be snapt, before he got home again from Alaesa to Himera, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. i It was first built by Archonides, a Sicilian, Olymp.

XCIV, 2. or, as others say, by the Carthaginians, about Two Years before. And we must add above a dozen more to the reckoning, upon the Sophist's Page 17 own score: For this Letter is supposed to bear date before Stesichorus and Phalaris were made Friends; which was a dozen Years, bentley dissertation on the epistles of phalaris, bentley dissertation on the epistles of phalaris he tells his Tale kbefore Stesichorus died; and Phalaris he makes to survive him.

I am aware, that the same Author says, l that there were other Cities in Sicily, called Alaesa: But it is evident from the situation, that this Alaesa of Archonides is meant in the Epistles; for this lies on the same Coast with Himera and Aluntium, bentley dissertation on the epistles of phalaris, to which two the Sophist here joins it, and is at a small distance from them.

And indeed bentley dissertation on the epistles of phalaris was no other Town of that name in the days of the Sophist, the rest being ruin'd long before. The LXX Epistle gives an account of several rich Presents to Polyclitus the Messenian Physician, for doing a great cure upon Phalaris. Among the rest, he names 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉ten couple of Thericlean cups. But there is another thing, besides a pretty Invention, very useful to a Lyar; and that is, a good Memory.

For we will suppose our Author to have once known something of these Cups, the time and the reason they were first called so; but that he had unhappily forgot it, when he writ this Epistle. They were large Drinking-Cups, of a peculiar Page 18 shape, so called from the first Contriver of them, one Thericles a Corinthian Potter. The words of Theophrastus are these, [ Hist. But as I said, by the general consent of Writers, we must call him a Potter. Hesychius, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉.

Lucian [in Lexiphanes, pag. The words of Eubulus, whom he cites, are extant in Athenaeus, [lib. Page 19 And again. Now the next thing to be enquired, is the Age of this Thericles; and we learn that from Athenaeus; one Witness indeed, but as good as a multitude in a matter of this nature, [ pag.

Take now the very first year of that number; and Thericles, with the Cups that had their appellation from him, come above CXX years after Phalaris 's death. So I interpret the words of Pamphilus; 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉.

Nor are wild Beasts only called 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉but tame too, such as Bulls and Cows; as the Epigrammatist calls the Minotaure, 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. I cannot therefore comprehend why the most learned Is. For I own, I see little or no sense in it, according to his Lection.

And as for the Authority of the ancient Epitomizer of Athenaeus, who, he says, reads it 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 ; one may be certain, 'twas a fault only in that Copy of him that Casaubon used.

And now for those two derivations of the word 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 ; was ever any thing so forced, so frigid, so unworthy of refutation? Does not common Analogy plainly shew, that as from 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 comes 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉from 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉and many such like; so 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 must be from 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉? besides so many express Authorities for it, which I have cited before.

To which I may add that of Iulius Pollux, [l. Aemilius, [pag. And Clemens Alexand. For one may justly inferr, that both Plutarch and Clemens believed 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 to be from 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 ; because they join them with those other Cups, all which had their names from Men that either invented or used them. And so says a Manuscript note upon that passage of Clemens; 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉.

So that upon the whole, let Pamphilus and those other Grammarians Page 22 help him as they can, our Sophist stands fully convicted, upon this Indictment, of forgery and imposture. Vessels of Gold and Silver, beautiful Slaves, fifty thousand Drachmae, and a liberal yearly Pension for Life.

If Agathocles the Tyrant had made this Present of a score of Glasses, it might have passed for a mark of favour: because he was a Potter in his youth, and we might suppose them of his own making. And as I remember, Diodorus tells such a story of him. But we know the old Lexicons chiefly consist of Excerpta out of Scholiasts and Glossaries upon particular Authors; one of which, in one single place, might expound it a Glass. But that it must universally mean so, or particularly in this passage before us, neither the use of the Language, nor good Sense will allow.

For besides Earth, which was the first Material; some were made of Wood, as Theophrastus says in the place already cited; others of Silver or Gold, as Plutarch in P. And Athenaeus, [lib. he speaks of 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Certainly the true Phalaris could not write thus; and it is a piece of ignorance inexcusable in our Sophist, not to know that both those names belong'd to one and the same City, at different times. Strabo, [lib. See also Herodotus, [lib. The same says o Herodotus: bentley dissertation on the epistles of phalaris agreeably to this narrative, p Diodorus sets down the death of this Anaxilaus Olymp.

LXXVI, I. bentley dissertation on the epistles of phalaris he had reigned Page 25 XVIII years. XXIX: 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉. Bentley dissertation on the epistles of phalaris if this be true, we must needs put-in one word for our Sophist; that Phalaris might name the Messenians, without pretending to the gift of Prophecy. r Cluverius indeed would spoil all again; for he makes it a fault in our Copies of Pausanias, and for 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 the XXIX Olymp.

reads 〈 in non-Latin alphabet 〉 the LXIX; which is too great a number, to do our Author any service. But alas! For, how then comes it to pass, that the Messenians in another Letter, Page 27 are in this called Zancleans?

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, time: 2:51

A Dissertation Upon the Epistles of Phalaris - Richard Bentley - Google Books

bentley dissertation on the epistles of phalaris

7 rows · A Dissertation Upon the Epistles of Phalaris: Author: Richard Bentley: Publisher: W. Bowyer a. 2/5(1) Dr. BENTLEY'S Dissertation UPON THE Epistles of Phalaris, &c. EXAMIN'D. DR. Bentley, in the Piece I am about to examine, among several other Liberties, has taken this, of wri∣ting without any Method. Great Genius's indeed are above ordina∣ry Rules: but it wou'd ill become so unknown a Writer as I am, to exempt my self from 'em; and therefore I shall prescribe my self a method in answering him Richard Bentley A Dissertation Upon the Epistles of Phalaris: with an Answer to the Objections of the Hon. Charles Boyle To which are Added, Dr. Bentley's Dissertation on the Epistles of Themistocles, Socrates, Euripides, and Others; and the Fables of Æsop; as Originally Printed: with Occasional Remarks on the Whole

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