Completion of a master’s thesis is viewed as a prerequisite for the pursuit of doctoral studies in most institutions. The Master of Arts in Education can be completed on either a part-time or full-time basis. Students are encouraged to complete the coursework over Applicants seeking Washington State Residency Teacher Certification and a Masters degree. Admissions: Winter or Summer cohorts. Specialization: Secondary and K Specialization: Special Education. Contact info: Dr. Denise Shaw, blogger.com@blogger.com () For More information download this document Instructional Leadership and Administration - Education Specialist Alternative AA (Grades P) TROY Online
Master's Degree Programs - University of Houston
ubco ubc. cox ubc. Amber McLeod English Foundation Program mcleod ubc, masters of art education thesis. Programs are designed for classroom teachers, subject-area coordinators, educational administrators, untraditional educators and educational researchers in non-school settings.
Through the Master of Education and the Master of Arts, educators, practitioners and researchers have several options to deepen their understanding of education and advance their careers at UBC Okanagan. Graduate students work together with their supervisors to design programs that uniquely meet their interests and goals by choosing courses that cut across our four themes of study: Curriculum, Digital Learning, Diversity, and Educational Leadership and Policy see below.
Graduate courses are scheduled to be flexible around your work schedule. Classes are held on-campus and online on Saturdays, weeknights and during the summer months. Contact Lindsay CoxGraduate Programs Assistant, to discuss options for pursuing your degree online. These programs do not carry credit toward certification to teach in public schools in British Columbia. Both the Master of Education and Master of Arts in Education are credit degree programs, and each provide students with theoretical, practical and analytical expertise, as well as a place in a community of scholar-practitioners dedicated to the study and pursuit of lifelong learning.
Students who feel that they might — at some future date — be interested in enrolling in a doctoral program are advised to follow the MA route rather than the MEd route. Designed primarily for professionals in the field, this program is typically completed on a part-time basis over two academic years, including summer sessions, through a combination of campus-based and online coursework culminating in a capstone project under the mentorship of a faculty supervisor.
MEd students are required to complete the degree within four years. The MEd is not a research degree in the sense that the student is not required to carry out and defend an independent research project. However, the MEd program is nevertheless research-based in that consideration of educationally relevant research constitutes a major focus of study and students are normally required to take a number of research-relevant courses.
Students enrolled in the MEd degree will develop valuable skills and gain experience necessary to work in a professional field in an education environment, masters of art education thesis. Graduates are prepared for employment opportunities in Kindergarten to Grade 12 and post-secondary education, school administration and education consultation, government and policy masters of art education thesis, among other careers.
Formal milestones for the program include: developing a unique program of study; working closely with faculty members; and preparing and presenting a capstone project. The MEd degree requires completion of:. Visit the Academic Calendar for detailed MEd Program Requirements. Our MEd degree with coursework only is a new pathway that offers rich opportunities for learning and professional development through 30 credits of coursework.
Designed for professionals in the field, this program is typically completed on a part-time basis over two academic years, including summer sessions, through a combination of campus-based and online coursework. The MEd degree with coursework only is suitable for those students who anticipate completing the degree mostly online.
The Master of Arts in Education MA degree is primarily for educators who wish to develop their expertise as educational researchers in addition to their interest in a thematic area of study. The Master of Arts in Education can be completed on either a part-time or full-time basis. Students are encouraged to complete the coursework over two academic years, including summer sessions. MA students are required to complete the degree within five years.
Visit the Academic Calendar for detailed MA in Education Program Requirements. The core courses are interdisciplinary and provide grounding for all students in the contemporary and historical educational discourses, perspectives, and traditions as they embark on their studies. Students have the opportunity to select courses with the guidance of their Faculty Supervisor across four distinct thematic areas.
Note: Not all courses are offered every year. Students can view current and upcoming graduate courses on the Graduate Student Resource page. The interdisciplinary thematic courses in Studies in Curriculum are designed to expose students to perspectives and epistemologies relating to curriculum development.
By focusing on an understanding of curriculum from a historical and contemporary perspective, philosophical and ontological dimensions within local and global contexts will be explored. Within an interdisciplinary framework, graduate students will experience contemporary curriculum theory and research which draw on increasingly diverse disciplinary perspectives and inquiry methods and explores such topics as Sustainability and Personalized Learning.
Students will have the opportunity to explore topics of personal interest to them in depth or breadth. This program explores the relations between the meanings ascribed to curriculum as a central component of Education and the structures and processes that reflect these interpretations in varying times, contexts, and spaces.
Not all courses are offered every year. Students should contact the Okanagan School of Education for current graduate courses, masters of art education thesis. CUST Conceptualizing Curriculum Studies: Theory and Research Facilitates an understanding of curriculum from a historical and contemporary perspective. Epistemological and ontological dimensions will be considered with a focus on discourses within the Canadian context.
Masters of art education thesis Curriculum for Sustainability Focus on curriculum discourse central to ecological and social justice. CUST Curriculum Studies in Diverse Settings Explores curriculum study in design, implementation, and evaluation for contemporary pedagogical settings. Among other topics, focus will be on curriculum that addresses diverse learning and diverse settings.
Emphasis is on pedagogical knowledge relating to teaching, learning, and learner differences, and how educators can work productively in relation to curriculum, assessment and instructional media. The courses in the Digital Learning theme explore the effects of new media and innovative technologies in instructional settings.
Graduate students will examine how technology shapes and enhances learning environments with emphasis on design, development and assessment. Learning theory and curricular constructs are explored and instructional strategies are applied to enable appropriate digital applications in diverse contexts.
Students will also learn how to lead and manage digital innovation in professional settings, analyzing essential conditions for appropriate implementation, staff development, security issues and policies for ethical use. ETEC Conceptualizing Educational Technology Provides an overview of educational technology bridging theory and practice. Educational technology is conceptualized broadly as the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, masters of art education thesis, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.
ETEC Designing Instruction Introduces instructional design from analysis through evaluation and implementation. Emphasizes contemporary issues of designing instruction for diverse settings and contexts. ETEC Leading and Managing Educational Technology Innovation Exploring the leadership issues that emerge as new technologies increasingly influence educational contexts. Staff development, security, and policies for ethical use are explored.
ETEC Instructional Strategies for Digital Learning Advanced topics masters of art education thesis instructional design and project management. ETEC Creating Technology Enhanced Learning Environments Paradigm shifts in education have influenced significant change in learning environments.
This course is an inquiry into learning environments past, present, and future and explores the learning theories, software, hardware, and instructional strategies that support them.
During the course of the graduate program, participants will be encouraged to critically reflect upon diversity and the related barriers and bridges in order develop informed perspectives relating to issues of key concerns to their local and global communities. EDUC Language Teaching and Learning Intended for a broad cross-section of educators with varying experiences in language teaching and learning, this course conceptualizes additional and official language acquisition from multiple angles in child, adolescent, and adult contexts.
Key issues, concepts, and theoretical perspectives are evaluated and explored with emphasis on current empirical research. EDUC Education and Diversity Overview of current diversity theory and practice, masters of art education thesis. EDUC Global Education, Citizenship, masters of art education thesis, and Cross-Cultural Conceptions of Teaching and Learning Enables learners to explore the inherent values, assumptions, and ideologies that inform the spectrum of global educations and cross-cultural conceptions of teaching and learning, and examines understandings of these complex and contested notions.
EDUC Theory and Practice in Inclusive Education An inquiry-oriented course designed for educators interested in inclusive aspects of special education. Participants will explore pedagogical, attitudinal, and systemic barriers to inclusion. Related theory and research-based inclusive approaches will serve as resources for individual and group inquiries. Advanced studies in Educational Leadership and Policy offers a number of distinct professional advantages and intellectual opportunities.
Our faculty provides expertise across diverse fields with many having held positions as school innovators and educational leaders in local, regional, national and international settings, masters of art education thesis. Our program is designed to develop internationally recognized, theoretically-informed educational leadership and policy.
Through an engagement in a community of scholarship dedicated to addressing contemporary educational issues, masters of art education thesis, our program prepares students to collectively transform their organizations and communities.
Students have opportunities to develop competencies and habits of mind necessary for leading in complex social, political, and economic landscapes. EADM Policy and Education Overview of the social, political, masters of art education thesis, and legal influences on the role of educational leaders in schools.
Policy development and analysis are examined in relation to contemporary issues in education. EADM Conceptualizing Leadership Broad conceptualization of leadership for learning organizations, communities, and enterprises through an examination of the historical, philosophical, theoretical, and ethical foundations of leadership. EADM Leadership for Inclusion and Social Justice An overview of the theoretical and practical elements of leadership for inclusive education, social justice, and other associated topics.
EADM Leadership for Sustainability Applies the theoretical elements of sustainability through a focus on the practical masters of art education thesis of leadership for sustainability in education and the broader society. EADM Leadership for Change: Systems, Innovation, and Reform Broad overview of the study of systems, innovation, and reform in organizations by examining a range of theories and models of change.
Prospective Master of Arts in Education students need to reach out to a potential faculty supervisor before beginning the application process. We invite you to discuss your research interests and career goals with us, and we masters of art education thesis happy to share our excitement about what we study and teach. MEd applicants may indicate a preference for a supervisor on their application, masters of art education thesis, but it is not a guarantee.
Graduate students in education are immersed in intimate group learning and benefit from a rich, caring and supportive community of education scholars. Note: Students who feel that they might, at some future date, be interested in enrolling in a doctoral program are advised to follow the MA route rather than the MEd route.
Applicants who do not meet the requirements stated above, but who have had significant formal training and relevant professional experience to offset such deficiencies, may be granted admission on the recommendation of the Director of Graduate Programs in Education. Additionally, the Okanagan School of Education normally requires that applicants have at least two years of teaching experience.
All applicants must submit a statement of intent approximately words clearly outlining their areas of interest and focus for study with their applications.
In exceptional cases, applicants who do not meet the requirements stated above, but who have had significant formal training and relevant professional experience, may be granted admission on the recommendation of the Education Graduate Program Committee.
Background training and previous experience must be sufficient to demonstrate ability or potential for advanced research in the chosen field. The MA is designed for those students who, in addition to their interest in a thematic area of study, wish to develop their expertise as educational researchers. All applicants must submit a statement of intent approx.
Specific minimum admission requirements for graduates of different countries may be found in the International Student Evaluation Manual.
Students who are masters of art education thesis Canadian citizens or permanent residents must apply for a study permit student visa to enter Canada. Applications can be made through masters of art education thesis Canadian Consulate or High Commission. Applicants from a university outside Canada at which English is not the primary language of instruction must present evidence of competency to pursue studies in the English language prior to being extended an offer of admission.
Minimum acceptable English language proficiency tests are as follows:. In exceptional cases, applicants who do not meet masters of art education thesis requirements stated above, but who have had significant formal training and relevant professional experience, may be granted admission on the recommendation of the Education Graduate Program Committee and approval of the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies, masters of art education thesis.
Grades and degree credentials required by UBC vary by country. Masters of art education thesis the Required Grades and Credential Guide —a guide to assist international students in estimating their eligibility.
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