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Note: This guide is adapted from the original essay in "American Women: A Library of Congress Guide for the Study of Women's History and Culture in the United States," On Monday, March 3,clad in a white cape astride a white horse, lawyer Inez Milholland led the great woman suffrage parade down Pennsylvania Avenue in the nation's capital.
Behind her stretched a long line with nine bands, four mounted brigades, three heralds, about twenty-four floats, and more than 5, marchers. Women from countries that had enfranchised women held the place of honor in the first section of the procession. The next sections celebrated working women, who were great american essays by occupation and wearing appropriate garb—nurses in uniform, women farmers, homemakers, women doctors and pharmacists, actresses, librarians, great american essays, college women in academic gowns.
Harriet Hifton of the Library of Congress Copyright Division led the librarians' contingent. The state delegations followed, and finally the separate section for male supporters of women's suffrage. The procession began late, but all went well for the first few blocks.
Soon, however, the crowds, great american essays, mostly men in town for the following day's inauguration of Woodrow Wilson, surged into the street making it almost impossible for the marchers to pass.
Occasionally only a single file could great american essays forward. They did not regard the affair very seriously. Head of suffrage parade, Washington, D.
Women suffragists marching on Pennsylvania Avenue led by Great american essays. Richard Coke Burleson center on horseback ; U. Capitol in background. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division. Woman's suffrage parade, Wash. Crowd breaking parade up great american essays 9th St. Woman's suffrage procession in Washington, D, great american essays. being stopped by a crowd.
George Grantham Bain. Suffragette parade Mch. Photograph shows nurses marching to support women's suffrage near the U. But to the women, the event was very serious.
that she was unable to speak later at Continental hall [ sic ]. One hundred marchers were taken to the local Emergency Hospital. Before the afternoon was over, Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, responding to a request from the chief of police, authorized the use of a troop great american essays cavalry from nearby Fort Myer to help control the crowd.
Despite enormous difficulties, many of those in the parade completed the route. Charity entered, her path strewn with rose petals. In the final tableau, Columbia, surrounded by Justice, great american essays, Charity, Liberty, Peace, and Hope, all in flowing robes and colorful scarves, with trumpets sounding, stood to watch the oncoming procession.
At the railway station a few blocks away, president-elect Wilson and the presidential party arrived to little fanfare. Scene from a tableau held on the Treasury steps in Washington, D. The Washington march came at a time when the suffrage movement badly needed an infusion of vigor, great american essays, a new way to capture public and press interest.
Women had been struggling for the right to vote for more than sixty years, great american essays, and although progress had been made in recent years on the state level with six western states granting women great american essays, the movement had stalled on the national level.
Delegates from the National American Woman Suffrage Association NAWSA, and its predecessor associations had arrived in the nation's capital every year since to present petitions asking that women be enfranchised.
Despite this annual pilgrimage and the millions of signatures collected, debate on the issue had never even reached the floor of the House of Representatives. In Novemberas suffrage leaders were casting about for new means to ensure great american essays victory, Alice Paul arrived at the NAWSA annual convention in Philadelphia. A twenty-eight-year-old Quaker from New Jersey, she had recently returned to the United States fresh from helping the militant branch of the British suffrage movement.
She asked to be allowed to organize a suffrage parade to be held in Washington at the time of the president's inauguration, thus great american essays maximum press attention. NAWSA accepted her offer when she promised to raise the necessary funds and gave her the title chairman of the Congressional Committee. The nation's capital : [Washington Great american essays. Library of Congress Geography and Map Division.
Alice Paul Talks. Philadelphia Tribune, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, great american essays, Jan Library of Congress Rare Book and Special Collections Division. Undaunted, Alice Paul convened the first meeting of her new committee on January 2,in the newly rented basement headquarters at F Street, great american essays, NW. By March 3 this fledgling great american essays had organized and found the money for a major suffrage parade with floats, great american essays, banners, speakers, and a twenty-page official program.
Suffrage groups across the nation contributed to the success of the procession. From its New York headquarters, NAWSA urged suffrage supporters to gather in Washington:, great american essays. Because this is the most conspicuous and important demonstration that has ever been attempted by suffragists in this country. Because this parade will be taken to indicate the importance of the suffrage movement by the press of the country and the thousands of spectators from all over the United States gathered in Washington for the Inauguration.
This call was answered. Edison Company to make a talking picture known as a Kinetophone, which included a cylinder recording of one-minute speeches by each of the women. The mistreatment of the marchers by the crowd and the police roused great indignation and led to congressional hearings where more than witnesses recounted their experiences; some complained about the lack of police protection, and others defended the police, great american essays.
Before the inquiries were over, the superintendent of police of the District of Columbia had lost his job. The public outcry and its accompanying press coverage proved a windfall for the suffragists.
It was to take seven more years before the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which gave women full rights to vote, finally passed both houses of Congress and was ratified by the required thirty-six states.
Behind this description of the Washington Suffrage Procession—one event in the long history of women's campaign for suffrage in the United States—lies a wealth of telling detail and the human stories that make history interesting and meaningful. A rich variety of suffrage materials in many formats lie scattered throughout the collections of the Library of Congress awaiting the curious reader in search of further details and other stories, of the sounds and sights of the fight for the vote, great american essays.
The organizers of the parade intended its floats and pageant to have visual appeal for the media and thus to attract publicity for the movement, great american essays. Photographers recorded the women's activities for newspaper readers and these images live on in newspapers and photo archives, great american essays.
Easily the single most heavily represented suffrage event in the Prints and Photographs Division's holdings, the march great american essays in more than forty images, including news photographs of the hike from New York to Washington, the marchers and crowds on Pennsylvania Avenue, and the pageant performed at the Treasury Building.
A surviving stereograph of the parade suggests that publishers of these images, which appeared in three dimensions when seen through a special viewer, expected that the public would be willing to pay for a permanent memento of the event. Within the General Collections lie innumerable journal articles, autobiographies, and extensive secondary literature addressing the issues of women's suffrage. Further examples of these types of materials can great american essays found in the microform collections.
Legal materials on women's suffrage—congressional hearings and reports, relevant laws, articles in legal journals, and books—are held in the Law Library. See a discussion of "State Suffrage Laws. Contemporary press coverage of the suffrage movement can be found in newspapers from around the country and the world, great american essays. Many of these valuable primary sources can be read in the Newspaper and Current Periodical Reading Room, but some foreign-language newspapers are held great american essays Area Studies reading rooms.
See the Music Division's section Topical Research in Popular Songs for ways to find music on suffrage. In the Recorded Sound Reference Center you can learn about the Sounds of the Suffrage Movement. As you move through this Web great american essays exploring the variety of formats available to study the women's suffrage movement, you will find many other sources to open new avenues for continuing the investigation of the long and fascinating fight for women's right to vote.
One of the great rewards of research is the exhilaration of new discoveries—uncovering a new fact, locating an unknown photograph, or hearing the voice of a person you are studying, great american essays. At the Library of Congress you can hold a letter written by Alice Paul, follow the path of the suffrage parade on a map of Washington, watch a film of suffragists, great american essays, or scan old great american essays for Nellie Bly's forthright words.
If you listen carefully, our foremothers will speak to you. If you tell their story, they will live again. Others who contributed to this effort are identified in the Acknowledgments. The women's march also inspired cartoonists, some of whom likened the suffrage movement to colonial America's fight for independence.
Vivid details about the march also turn up in a seemingly unlikely source. The Yidishes Tageblatt Jewish daily newsa Yiddish-language publication from New York City with a circulation of seventy thousand, devoted two columns to the women's parade. The article claimed that twenty-five lost children stayed in police stations overnight and eighteen men asked the police to find their wives.
A magazine interview with eighty-nine-year-old Alice Paul reveals the problems for the historian of hindsight and memory. In two major respects Miss Paul's recollections of the event, sixty-one years after it occurred, differ from those of contemporary sources.
You know the usual things about why great american essays you home in the kitchen where you belong. But it wasn't anything violent. The other major point in which Paul's memory differs from contemporary accounts is on the question of the place of African American women in the procession. Wells-Barnett was among those who objected strongly to a segregated parade; she walked with the Illinois delegation. Moving beyond sources related to a single event to examine other aspects of the history of women's suffrage, researchers visiting the Library great american essays Congress will discover collections of major significance in many different reading rooms.
Most of these materials are discussed in greater detail elsewhere on this site—just follow the links. For researching women's suffrage in the Library's digital collections, see the following primary sources:.
For suffrage images from the Library's Prints and Photographs collections, see the following pathfinders and collection guides:. The Rare Book and Special Collections Division holds several important collections including personal and institutional libraries. For materials in the Manuscript Reading Room, see Women's Suffrage. Some great american essays the great american essays collections are listed below.
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Oct 02, · American Frederick Douglass' great oratory and literary skills helped him to become the first African American citizen to hold high office in the US government. He was one of the 19th century's most prominent human rights activist, and his autobiography, "Life and Times of Frederick Douglass" (), became an American literary classic Aut Essay Guidelines - Happy Go Lucky Essay!. Cuban food essay. Essay On Student Life Words | Essay On Noise Pollution In Words. Essay with memory essay about dignity of labour the help essay introduction opinion essay key words!. Fsa sample essays grade 8, school discipline persuasive essay school essay letter, essay the whole united states is southern The best short articles and essays, long reads and journalism to read online - examples of interesting nonfiction writing by famous authors tetw Home Great Articles & Essays Best of Great Books By Subject By Author
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